Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Android To Power All Philips Smart Televisions From TP Vision In 2015

All 2015 Philips smart TVs and UHD sets will be powered by the Android operating system, rights holder TP Vision has announced.

The Dutch manufacturer is preparing to launch its second wave of Android-based TVs, sets that grant access to Google Play as well as gaming services like OnLive.

"We want to leverage the advantage of being a pioneer member of Android's large, fast-growing eco-system. It attracts a huge base of developers, who now can easily adapt their apps for different types of devices including TVs," said Albert Mombarg of TP Vision.

The incoming range of Philips TVs will also grant access to a range of online services, catch-up applications and feature an improved user interface based on the new Android TV launcher.

TP Vision claims that the sets will offer high picture quality thanks to the inclusion of its patented Ambilight lighting technology.

The company is launching its new Android TVs in the European market and has plans to ship them to Latin America.

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