Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Effects Of Technology

Technology has really made a lot of impacts in our dear lives, both positively and negatively. Personally when i find myself in a situation in which i have to learn some new things, things like programming languages, health issues which i don't need to consult a Doctor, get biographies of great people who have passed on and those that are alive as well, also get the maps of places i intend visiting and not been there before, all i would just do is go into internet, visit and search for anything am curious about. 

Google has a large database, in which you can easily find solutions to any problems you might have, and whereas you will have the opportunity to get to know many people's views on a certain matter and you will never be confused.

Technology has impacted positive things in our lives, some of the advantages are:

Fast access to information - You can get quick access to information with the help of computer and internet.

Improved mode communication - Gone are those days when you had to write letters in order to communicate with people staying far away. Nowadays, you can send e-mails, using different social media like Facebook, Whatsaap, BBM etc and you get the reply within minutes. 

Speed up work - There are so many technological gadgets that help to speed up work. Right from household chores to office work. They help you to do quite a number of things in relatively less time and efficiently.

So as we have the advantages of technology, we also have its disadvantages, which in a long way has affected our way of lives, to the extent that it make us to be lazy and we are so dependent on machines to do all our works for us without sweating at all. 

The following are the disadvantages of technology in our way of lives:

Online fraud - When you use internet for online transactions, there is always a possibility of being a victim of online fraud. As for example, impostors may steal your credit card information and use them for their own monetary gain, they might use it to shop online and buy varieties of things for themselves out of your hard-earned money without your consent.

Dependency on gadgets - People are becoming mechanical as they are getting more and dependent on gadgets. Nowadays, human beings hardly do a simple work without taking help of a gadget.

Technology related diseases - Human beings are becoming addicted to the new technologies and gadgets, especially, internet and computers. Moreover, young people are getting more and more addicted to mobile phones and always on the social media 247, their twitters, BBM, Whatsaap are always available. Many Scientists believe that radiation from mobile phones may cause blurring vision, headaches and can as well cause cancer which is life threatening and not curable.

From my own perspective, technology is a great plus to our lives, it makes the world goes round, and we can have any information within our reach in seconds.

Also, we should be careful not to be over addicted to technology, because it consumes alot of our resourceful time that can be used for better purposes.

Thanks for reading, kindly share the article with your friends through the social media.

It is not bye-bye, but see you again.

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